modelgrid - A Framework for Creating, Managing and Training Multiple Caret Models
A minimalistic but flexible framework that facilitates the creation, management and training of multiple 'caret' models. A model grid consists of two components: (1) a set of settings that is shared by all models by default, and (2) specifications that apply only to the individual models. When the model grid is trained, model and training specifications are first consolidated from the shared and the model specific settings into complete 'caret' model configurations. These models are then trained with the 'train' function from the 'caret' package.
Last updated 6 years ago
5.34 score 23 stars 19 scripts 613 downloads
recorder - Toolkit to Validate New Data for a Predictive Model
A lightweight toolkit to validate new observations when computing their predictions with a predictive model. The validation process consists of two steps: (1) record relevant statistics and meta data of the variables in the original training data for the predictive model and (2) use these data to run a set of basic validation tests on the new set of observations.
Last updated 6 years ago
4.78 score 4 stars 6 scripts 255 downloadstrimmer - Trim an Object
A lightweight toolkit to reduce the size of a list object. The object is minimized by recursively removing elements from the object one-by-one. The process is constrained by a reference function call specified by the user, where the target object is given as an argument. The procedure will not allow elements to be removed from the object, that will cause results from the function call to diverge from the function call with the original object.
Last updated 5 years ago
4.00 score 2 stars 9 scripts 244 downloads