modelgrid is now available
on CRAN. modelgrid offers a minimalistic but very flexible framework to
create, manage and train a portfolio of caret models. Note, you should
already be fairly familiar with the caret package before giving
a spin.
This is the first official release, so below I describe the key
concept behind modelgrid
as well as the features of
divided into three main categories:
When facing a Machine Learning problem, you typically want to try out
a lot of models in order to find out, what works and what does not. But
how can we manage these experiments in a structured, simple and
transparent way? You guessed it - by using the modelgrid
package (and yes, I am familiar with the caretEnsemble
package, but I wanted something, that was more flexible and easier/more
intuitive to work with).
A tuning grid consists of combinations of hyperparameters for a specific model. A model grid is merely just an extension of that concept in the sense, that it consists of - potentially many - models, each with their own tuning grid. Basically the model grid is built by providing a set of shared settings, that by default will apply to all models within the model grid, and defining the settings for the individual models in the model grid.
You can pre-allocate an empty model grid with the constructor
function model_grid
and take a look at the structure.
mg <- model_grid()
#> $shared_settings
#> list()
#> $models
#> list()
#> $model_fits
#> list()
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "model_grid"
An object belonging to the model_grid
class has three
: these are the settings, that will be
shared by all models in the model grid by default. Generally, it makes
sense to keep some settings fixed for all models, e.g. the choice of
target variable, features, resampling scheme and sometimes also
preprocessing options. By providing them as shared settings the user
avoids redundant code.models
: every individual model specification added to
the model grid will be an element in this list. The individual model
specification consists of settings that uniquely identify the indvidual
model. If a setting has been set both as part of the shared settings and
the settings of a given individual model specification, the setting from
the individual model specification will apply for that given model.model_fits
: this element contains the fitted models
(one for each individual model specification), once the
has been trained.The first natural step of setting up the model grid is to define,
which settings should be shared by all models by default. We will use
the GermanCredit data set from the caret package as example data and do
just that with the share_settings
# Load data on German credit applications.
# Construct empty model grid and define shared settings.
mg <-
model_grid() %>%
y = GermanCredit[["Class"]],
x = GermanCredit %>% select(-Class),
preProc = "nzv",
metric = "ROC",
trControl = trainControl(
method = "cv",
number = 5,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
classProbs = TRUE
purrr::map_chr(mg$shared_settings, class)
#> y x preProc metric trControl
#> "factor" "data.frame" "character" "character" "list"
The shared_settings
component of the model grid is now
populated. In order to complete the model grid we must define a set of
individual model specifications, that we would like to give a shot. A
common choice of baseline model could be a simple parametric model
e.g. a Generalized Linear Model. The model specification is added to the
model grid with the add_model
mg <-
mg %>%
add_model(model_name = "Logistic Regression Baseline",
method = "glm",
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
#> $`Logistic Regression Baseline`
#> $`Logistic Regression Baseline`$method
#> [1] "glm"
#> $`Logistic Regression Baseline`$family
#> Family: binomial
#> Link function: logit
requires a (unique) name for each individual
model specification, so I named this one “Logistic Regression Baseline”.
If the user does not provide a name, a generic name - ‘Model[int]’ - is
generated automatically.
This is all it takes to create the smallest possible model grid with
only one unique model configuration. The model grid can be trained with
the train
function. For more on this go to ‘Training a
model grid’.
But a model grid with only one model specification is obviously not a really interesting use case. Let us insert two more model specifications into the model grid: another two logistic regression models, but this time with the features being preprocessed with Principal Component Analysis.
mg <-
mg %>%
add_model(model_name = "Logistic Regression PCA",
method = "glm",
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
preProc = c("nzv", "center", "scale", "pca")) %>%
add_model(model_name = "Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2",
method = "glm",
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
preProc = c("nzv", "center", "scale", "pca"),
custom_control = list(preProcOptions = list(thresh = 0.98)))
#> $`Logistic Regression Baseline`
#> $`Logistic Regression Baseline`$method
#> [1] "glm"
#> $`Logistic Regression Baseline`$family
#> Family: binomial
#> Link function: logit
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA`
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA`$method
#> [1] "glm"
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA`$family
#> Family: binomial
#> Link function: logit
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA`$preProc
#> [1] "nzv" "center" "scale" "pca"
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`$method
#> [1] "glm"
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`$family
#> Family: binomial
#> Link function: logit
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`$preProc
#> [1] "nzv" "center" "scale" "pca"
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`$custom_control
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`$custom_control$preProcOptions
#> $`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`$custom_control$preProcOptions$thresh
#> [1] 0.98
You can of course add as many models as you like to the model grid
with the add_model
The models from a model grid can be trained with the
function from the caret
package, for
which I have implemented a S3 method for the model_grid
When you call train
with a model_grid
, all
of the individual model specifications are consolidated with the shared
settings into complete caret model specifications, which are then
trained one by one with caret.
For a given model the model settings are consolidated with the
function. Let us see how this works with
the three models. For the baseline model there is no overlap between the
shared settings and the settings in the individual model spec, and the
settings will just be appended into one configuration.
# there are no conflicts.
dplyr::intersect(names(mg$shared_settings), names(mg$models$`Logistic Regression Baseline`))
#> character(0)
# consolidate model settings into one model.
mg$models$`Logistic Regression Baseline`
) %>%
#> method family y x preProc metric
#> "character" "family" "factor" "data.frame" "character" "character"
#> trControl
#> "list"
In case the same setting has been specified both in the shared settings of the model grid and in the individual settings for a specific model, the individual setting will apply. This is the case for the model ‘Logistic Regression PCA’, where the ‘preProc’ argument has also been defined in the model specific configuration.
# the 'preProc' setting is defined both in the shared and model specific settings.
dplyr::intersect(names(mg$shared_settings), names(mg$models$`Logistic Regression PCA`))
#> [1] "preProc"
#> [1] "nzv"
mg$models$`Logistic Regression PCA`$preProc
#> [1] "nzv" "center" "scale" "pca"
# consolidate model settings into one model.
mg$models$`Logistic Regression PCA`
) %>%
#> [1] "nzv" "center" "scale" "pca"
Also, if the ‘trControl’ argument is defined as part of the shared
settings, the subsettings of ‘trControl’ can be modified for a specific
model with the special setting ‘custom_control’ (which itself is given
as an explicit argument to the add_model
function) in the
model specific settings.
For the model ‘Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2’, the preprocessing options for PCA were adjusted with ‘custom_control’. When the model is consolidated, the model specific customizations of subsettings of the shared ‘trControl’ argument will apply.
# the 'trControl$preProcOptions$thresh' setting is defined in the shared
# settings but customized in the model specific settings.
#> [1] 0.95
mg$models$`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`$custom_control$preProcOptions$thresh
#> [1] 0.98
# consolidate model settings into one model.
mg$models$`Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2`
) %>%
magrittr::extract2(c("trControl", "preProcOptions", "thresh"))
#> [1] 0.98
When calling the train
function, the
function is called under the hood with
all of the individual models and the shared settings, and a set of
complete caret model specifications is generated - one for each
individual model specification.
Afterwards the models are trained one by one with caret
and the fitted models are saved in the model_fits
of the model grid.
# train models from model grid.
mg <- train(mg)
# the fitted models now appear in the 'model_fits' component.
#> [1] "Logistic Regression Baseline" "Logistic Regression PCA"
#> [3] "Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2"
# extract performance.
mg$model_fits %>%
caret::resamples(.) %>%
#> Call:
#> summary.resamples(object = .)
#> Models: Logistic Regression Baseline, Logistic Regression PCA, Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2
#> Number of resamples: 5
#> ROC
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu.
#> Logistic Regression Baseline 0.7334524 0.7372619 0.7826190 0.7734048 0.7875000
#> Logistic Regression PCA 0.7491667 0.7498810 0.7730952 0.7800714 0.7760714
#> Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2 0.7501190 0.7561905 0.7752381 0.7775000 0.7755952
#> Max. NA's
#> Logistic Regression Baseline 0.8261905 0
#> Logistic Regression PCA 0.8521429 0
#> Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2 0.8303571 0
#> Sens
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu.
#> Logistic Regression Baseline 0.4166667 0.4333333 0.4500000 0.4700000 0.5000000
#> Logistic Regression PCA 0.4166667 0.4333333 0.4833333 0.4766667 0.5000000
#> Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2 0.4166667 0.4500000 0.4833333 0.4866667 0.5333333
#> Max. NA's
#> Logistic Regression Baseline 0.55 0
#> Logistic Regression PCA 0.55 0
#> Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2 0.55 0
#> Spec
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu.
#> Logistic Regression Baseline 0.8428571 0.8714286 0.8785714 0.8757143 0.8928571
#> Logistic Regression PCA 0.8500000 0.8571429 0.8642857 0.8700000 0.8857143
#> Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2 0.8500000 0.8642857 0.8642857 0.8742857 0.8928571
#> Max. NA's
#> Logistic Regression Baseline 0.8928571 0
#> Logistic Regression PCA 0.8928571 0
#> Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2 0.9000000 0
If we now add an additional models to the model grid, and call train on the model grid again, only the new models (those that do not yet have a fit) will be trained by default.
# train models from model grid.
mg <-
mg %>%
add_model(model_name = "Funky Forest",
method = "rf") %>%
#> [2025-03-04 04:18:52.82526] Training of 'Funky Forest' started.
#> [2025-03-04 04:19:12.427433] Training of 'Funky Forest' completed.
#> [1] "Funky Forest" "Logistic Regression Baseline"
#> [3] "Logistic Regression PCA" "Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2"
If you call train
with the train_all
argument set to TRUE, all models will be trained regardless.
The training of a model_grid
supports both the explicit
‘x’, ‘y’ interface to train, the formula interface and last but not
least the new powerful ‘recipe’ interface. Let us try out the latter.
First we will create a basic recipe.
# create base recipe.
rec <-
recipe(GermanCredit, formula = Class ~ .) %>%
With that as a starting point I will create and train a minimal model grid as an example. I will tweak the recipe for one of the models.
mg_rec <-
model_grid() %>%
metric = "ROC",
data = GermanCredit,
trControl = trainControl(
method = "cv",
number = 5,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
classProbs = TRUE
) %>%
model_name = "Log Reg",
x = rec,
method = "glm",
family = binomial(link = "logit")
) %>%
model_name = "Log Reg PCA",
x = rec %>%
step_center(all_predictors()) %>%
step_scale(all_predictors()) %>%
method = "glm",
family = binomial(link = "logit")
) %>%
#> [2025-03-04 04:19:12.480088] Training of 'Log Reg' started.
#> [2025-03-04 04:19:13.435963] Training of 'Log Reg' completed.
#> [2025-03-04 04:19:13.436674] Training of 'Log Reg PCA' started.
#> [2025-03-04 04:19:14.679283] Training of 'Log Reg PCA' completed.
mg_rec$model_fits %>%
caret::resamples(.) %>%
#> Call:
#> summary.resamples(object = .)
#> Models: Log Reg, Log Reg PCA
#> Number of resamples: 5
#> ROC
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
#> Log Reg 0.7334524 0.7372619 0.7826190 0.7734048 0.787500 0.8261905 0
#> Log Reg PCA 0.6723810 0.7145238 0.7304762 0.7302381 0.757381 0.7764286 0
#> Sens
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
#> Log Reg 0.4166667 0.4333333 0.4500000 0.4700000 0.50 0.5500000 0
#> Log Reg PCA 0.1166667 0.1333333 0.2166667 0.2066667 0.25 0.3166667 0
#> Spec
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
#> Log Reg 0.8428571 0.8714286 0.8785714 0.8757143 0.8928571 0.8928571 0
#> Log Reg PCA 0.8857143 0.9071429 0.9214286 0.9214286 0.9214286 0.9714286 0
has a couple of functions, that makes it easy
to work iteratively with the model specifications in a model grid. If
you want to modify an existing model configuration, please use the
function. Below I use it to modify one of the
GLM models.
# existing model configuration.
mg$models$`Logistic Regression PCA`
#> $method
#> [1] "glm"
#> $family
#> Family: binomial
#> Link function: logit
#> $preProc
#> [1] "nzv" "center" "scale" "pca"
# edit model configuration.
mg <-
mg %>%
edit_model(model_name = "Logistic Regression PCA",
preProc = c("nzv", "center", "scale", "ICA"))
#> Model fit for Logistic Regression PCA has been deleted.
mg$models$`Logistic Regression PCA`
#> $method
#> [1] "glm"
#> $family
#> Family: binomial
#> Link function: logit
#> $preProc
#> [1] "nzv" "center" "scale" "ICA"
As you see, when you modify an existing model specification, any corresponding fitted model is deleted, so that nothing is out of sync.
You can also remove a model specification (including any fitted
model) from the model grid with the remove_model
#> [1] "Funky Forest" "Logistic Regression Baseline"
#> [3] "Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2" "Logistic Regression PCA"
# remove model configuration.
mg <-
mg %>%
remove_model("Funky Forest")
#> Model fit for Funky Forest has been deleted.
#> [1] "Logistic Regression Baseline" "Logistic Regression PCA 98e-2"
#> [3] "Logistic Regression PCA"